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Welcome to Year 3 Bienvenue

The children formed a music group to entertain us at the end of term.

We enjoyed our visit to Oakwell Hall. We felt like we were transported back in time. It was interesting to see the artefacts and write with quill pens.

We practised dressing up someone to create a Tudor portrait. We used fabrics and assorted items of clothing to achieve this look. Everyone is going to try this at home as part of their homework. We are looking forward to seeing the results!

We have enjoyed collecting natural items to create a 'meal' on a plate. Some of the creations looked good enough to eat!

Prepare to learn about the TUDORS this Summer term!

Mission accomplished! A photo of the cast after our play.

Rehearsals for our class assembly!

Science Week is keeping us all busy. The theme is 'Time'. Thanks to the STEM team in school, who organised these activities..

Do you like our 'Green men'? 

We were visited by a team from 'Hand to Mouth'. Our class learned how Christians might worship. The class then created some blessings flags.

There was great excitement and enthusiasm when we tested different surfaces in a friction experiment!

We made a chain of Christmas French vocabulary to decorate our classroom, learning some new words in the process! 

An interesting trip to different places of worship in Huddersfield allowed children to see first hand differences and similarities between some religions.

We tried to create some Anglo-Saxon jewellery from pieces of wood and from clay beads. After making the initial shapes, we became creative when decorating them.

Members of Year 3 read out the names of the men on the war memorial. We fixed our poppy wreaths to the fence. Prayers were said and a silence was observed. 



Our topic this term is all about the Anglo-Saxons. Below are 2 examples which

demonstrate their skill in making jewellery. These brooches are from the British


Despite the rain, we enjoyed orienteering with Rosie.

We attempted to make versions of Anglo-Saxon roundhouses. See how we got on...

After whittling some willow to create a writing implement, we created ink from a mix of crushed charcoal and water. We smeared leaves or dirt over the surface of our paper to make a background colour. Finally, we attempted to write our name in runes.